Nov 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are most thankful for our friends!
We hope you have a fun and safe Thanksgiving!


Yesterday I tried managing Lucie's pain as needed since her meds were already a little messed up due to her not being able to eat before her doctors appointment. She had been doing better but not totally back to 100%. She seemed fine. Both her and Addie slept after their walk. I did not give her Rimadyl yesterday. This morning she seemed fine. When I got home from work and took her out I could tell she was hurting so I worked the Rimadyl back into her meds line up. She has been sleeping all evening and is back to having trouble getting up. When I took her outside at 9 p.m. she walked a little bit and immediately laid down before she went to the bathroom struggling when she got up. When we came back in the house she headed up stairs to go to bed.

One day off of Rimadyl and she is right back where she was before we started the Rimadyl. I can hardly believe how fast her pain and discomfort has returned. I will talk to Dr. Johnson on Friday. I am thankful for Rimadyl.

Nov 24, 2009

Lucie Update

Today we took Lucie to the Animal Dermatology Referral Clinic in Dallas. Dr. Crow was wonderful! Dr. Johnson had spoken with him prior to us coming. He had also reviewed her medical history so he was ready to go when when it was time for our appointment. Dr. Crow sat on the floor with her and gave her lots of belly rubs so they could get to know each other better. 

We recapped what she has been going through. Since she has been on meds for a bit, Dr. Crow was not able to see her symptoms in full swing. The rimadyl has helped a lot with the joint pain. Her bumps are still on her ears. They are better than they were but not gone. He asked a lot of questions and examined her.  He does not believe that the bumps on her ears are related to vasculitis.

A brief overview of her symptoms are joint pain (related to trouble getting up or sitting), lack of energy, bumps on her ears with crusting skin and licking her front legs. While he was examining her he found a lump on her right back leg located on her tendon.

He didn't believe that any additional testing was needed at this point. We have caught and started treating her symptoms early. Dr. Crow agreed with Dr. Johnson's choice on her starting meds.

At this point Dr. Crow's primary clinical concern is Systemic Histiocytosis which is a Reactive Histiocytic Disorder. His physical findings match up best with this but since she did not display enough clinical symptoms at the appointment he could not arrive at a definitive diagnosis. Typically by the time he see's a patient with this it is clearly evident by the large nodules (plaques) visible on the animal. We could take her off all meds and see if her lumps worsen to be able to make an exact diagnosis but since she has been experiencing joint pain and lack of energy associated with this he did not want to go that route. He has changed her meds to Tetracycline and Niacinamide. We will continue to give her rimadyl as needed for pain.

So, what is a Reactive Histiocytic Disorder?
It almost invariably involves the skin where it is associated with nodules that form in the dermis and subcutis. These nodules are most commonly seen on the face (muzzle, nose and eyelids), scrotum, and trunk, but can occur in any location. The nodules may ulcerate and ooze. This pattern is typical of cutaneous and systemic histiocytosis. In systemic histiocytosis, there will be some additional evidence of spread beyond the skin. This is most easily recognized when there is involvement of the ocular and nasal mucous membranes. Reddening and swelling of the conjunctiva, corneal edema, and corneal vascularization may be seen. Nasal discharge and snoring respiration, which indicate nasal mucosal infiltration by histiocytes, may also be seen. Dogs with cutaneous histiocytosis are often bright, alert and outwardly unaffected by their disease. In contrast, dogs with systemic histiocytosis, are often anorexic and lose weight; they may be clinically depressed as well. This reflects the more aggressive and widespread tissue involvement in systemic histiocytosis. (Info from

I have been researching this subject since we got back from our appointment. Some sites that I came across state that this is cancer but Dr. Crow stated that it is cancer like but hardly ever results in cancer. This disorder is very rare.

What's next?
We will give her these meds for 2 months and then take her back to Dr. Crow for a check up. If we find any plaques or nodules we are to let him know so that he can examine them. He wants her to set the pace. She can do as she wishes, no restrictions. We will treat any pain with rimadyl. I wish this was more cut and dry. It still feels like a wait and see type game but at least we have a better idea now of what is most likely going on with her. We are to continue with the same food but no dairy with her meds.

In keeping with the doctors orders, Lucie decided to join us for a walk this afternoon. She also enjoyed lots of snuggle time with Hailey. Hailey always knows when to play with Lucie and when to just snuggle.

Thank you to all of our friends for your well wishes and prayers. We are truly blessed! Keep them coming. We will get her through this one way or the other!

Nov 21, 2009

Lucie's Birthday Gifts

Lucie didn't care for her Birthday hat much.

Lucie had fun opening her gifts! She even shared them with Addie and Hailey.

Lucie and Hailey enjoying their evening snuggle.

Nov 18, 2009

Lucie is 12 months old!!!

Lucie was uncomfortable sitting today so this was the best picture that I could get. I didn't want to push her. We have our appointment set with a specialist on November 24.











Adorable Outtakes

You can actually see me taking her picture in her eye.

Happy 1st Birthday Lucie!

It doesn't get cuter than this!
Happy Birthday my Sweet Lucie Baby!

I'll be taking her picture with her pig at lunch. Her party will be this weekend.

I want to send a special thank you to Suzie and her family for bringing Lucie into our lives.
I don't know what we ever did without her! 

Nov 17, 2009

Lucie and Can Anyone Help Bubba?

So, Lucie is not 100%. We had hoped that the Rimadyl would do the trick. It did help her get some of her playfulness and good attitude back but she is still have trouble getting up with her back legs. I'll be calling Dr. Johnson today.


I saw this post from Pawsitively Texas on Facebook and it is breaking my heart even more! It's like looking at a Cocker Spaniel version of Addie!


His family of 12 years left him locked their house when they moved out! This sweet face!! WHAT is WRONG with people!!!

Please view his video here.

Name: Bubba
File Number: 20809
Breed: Spaniel mix
Gender: Male (current on rabies vaccine)
Age: 12 years old
Size: Medium 30-35 lbs
Okay, this is about the saddest thing we've heard - this beautiful dog's owners moved out of their home and left their 12 year old dog behind. This is the saddest because this is a truly wonderful dog. He IS SO SWEET. Beautiful. Luckily he was found by a realtor who quickly called us for help in finding him a new home to call his own but his luck is running out - his last day is tomorrow. Please, won't you help? He just needs a place to live out his last few years with love. He is a sweet gentle boy who seems to like other dogs and to be a very loving pet. He is a great dog who needs a great home. Be sure to talk to Joe at the shelter (be sure to ask for him) - Due to Bubba's age they probably won't require a neuter, but please discuss with Joe. Watch his video by following the link
  He's hoping you will come meet him and take him home ...

Nov 12, 2009

Guess who's feeling better...


Last night she had an upset stomach due to her meds. Special thanks to Dr. Johnson for taking my early morning call today. We have changed the time that we give her the rimadyl and we have not had trouble since. She pranced around the yard a little when I got home from work and greeted me at the door with a happy wagging tail! For the first time in a week Lucie is moving around after dinner instead of sleeping. This is all good! I just know this is the beginning of more good things to come!

Nov 11, 2009

Snuggle Time

The new medication has not started working yet. Hopefully we will see improvement tomorrow. Lucie had limited activity today. No running outside. She did chew on her stick for a little bit. To avoid laying down she does this bow thing.


  Lucie has been sleeping since dinner. Hailey tried to get her to play but you could see that Lucie was not feeling well. So she did the next best thing.






Addie feeling a little left out.