Apr 27, 2011

Garden Visitor Identified!

Ron found the toad Tuesday. After dark the toad came out a bit to snack on some bugs. Wednesday morning all that remained was a pile of toad poo in the hole that he had dug. We hope to see Mr. Toad again soon!

Apr 26, 2011

UPDATED: A Visitor to our Garden

Can you find our new visitor? He is hiding. Norwood will like this little guy.

Here is a closer look at our new friend.

Apr 24, 2011

Square Foot Garden: Two Weeks

Happy Easter!

Our garden has had a great week!
All seedlings have made at least one appearance.  We added additional fencing to the bean squares for support and vertical growth, hopefully it doesn't get too thick to block the sun for tomato plant #2.  If that happens I'll sacrifice the beans for the tomatoes but I'll cross that bridge if I come to it.  Those tomato plants are ~3X the size in 2 weeks, crazy growth and they have several flowers/buds for potential fruit.

Right here we have watermelon, one onion and one wiener.

Showing off my awesome bean stalk climbing skills.  You may have noticed the brown powder here and there.  We observed a couple of ants in the garden, and since some people say its no biggie and some say to be concerned we decided to err on the side of caution and do something to make it inhospitable to them.  Since we'd like to stay away from pesticides we went with cinnamon.  I was surprised too but it seems that certain insects dislike strong smells associated with certain spices (mint, hot peppers etc).  We'll see how it goes but even if it doesn't work, it makes the garden smell great.

Princess Lucie monitoring the work from her throne above the garden.
"Carry on peasants, your work pleases me."

Check out these potato plants! (strawberrys with a dusting of cinnamon)

The pups got to try the first strawberry.

Hailey tested the mint.

Gardening is hard work.

Apr 17, 2011

Square Foot Garden: One Week

As you have seen, we have experienced a lot of growth this week.

Just this afternoon we found the sprout above and it's corn.

Another discovery this afternoon was leaf lettuce. 
These sprouts are so very small that you really have to look to find them.

And then there is Hailey...

Another Plant has Broken the Soil

Apr 16, 2011

Come on...

They think this fence will keep me out. Clearly, they underestimate my sneakiness.

Our Second Budding Plant

This may be harder to guess but give it a shot.

Apr 15, 2011

First Buds

Guess what seeds were the first to poke through the dirt.

Apr 10, 2011

Our Square Foot Garden

I have always loved gardening but since we have been in Texas I have not had the best of luck so I basically let go of that dream. Until now. My husband decided to try out a square foot garden. Due to an injury that happened to me on Friday morning, I had to sit on the sidelines as Ron built his garden. All of the pups were on hand to lend their support.

So, what is square foot gardening anyway?
Square foot gardening is when you plant each of your crops within one square foot.

Step One: Purchase Supplies and Build

Borrrrring... what's next!

Step Two: Place the Box and Till the Soil

We had our two best diggers hard at work!  Unfortunately I fear they won't know when to stop.

Step Three: Mix the Compost/Soil and Fill the Box

Love this sense of humor! Yay, turkey poop!

Hailey monitoring Ron's progress.

Step Four: Sow the Seeds


Addie helped by testing out some of the corn seeds.

Lucie practicing her camouflage, since she's color blind she doesn't know she's black and white and everything else is green.

Step Five: Grow the Seeds


I'll be back to dig inside of you, giant dirt box!

Stay tuned for updates on our square garden experience.
Special thanks to my wonderful husband for all of his hard work.
I can't wait to eat fresh veggies from our very own garden!