Aug 31, 2014

Ouch, my knees!

While chasing the big girls, who were chasing a squirrel, Hailey hurt her back knees. A visit to Dr. Johnson uncovered that she had luxating patellas or floating kneecaps with the left being the worst. Surgery was the only option. 

An anxiety and tear filled early morning drop off for surgery on May 29 at Neighborhood Pet Health Center.

Surgery went great! She was still pretty out of it when we picked her up. She was very fussy, screaming when she would try to stand up. I placed her with me on the lazy boy for a snuggle which helped. Addie was very concerned.

Her first night was long but she did great! Lots of meds, ice and rocking helped to ease her pain. This is how I found her when I woke up. She just said no to the cone!

The look says it all.

Healing well.

My attempt to try a "better" cone failed. She immediately showed me that she could reach her stitches. Back to the cone.

Confinement. This was the worst part for Hailey. 

Nine weeks of physical therapy started on June 7 which included stretches, heat and ice packs. 

She was healing very well but it took some time before she would place any weight on her surgery leg.

On June 14th Hailey went for her checkup with Dr. Johnson. The big girls were on hand to lend their support. She was finally set free from the cone!

On August 5th Hailey had a little set back. She screamed and then couldn't move. Our vet was not sure what caused the issue but it was her surgery leg. Strict confinement and meds again for a while. The surgeon had noted a ligament issue during surgery so this might have been that issue progressing since she had a few 10 minute walks. 

On August 10th Hailey was able to go out on a very short walk with the big girls. Hailey doesn't like being left behind so this was just the treat that she needed.

The day finally came when Hailey could go for a real walk again with the big girls.