May 24, 2009

Gifts and Awards

We received lots of packages this week!
Most of them were for Hailey, but she was nice enough to share with the girls.

Thank you very much Ludo!
Hailey just loved these gifts and your card was just precious! LOVE your paw print signature Ludo!! Hailey is not too good at opening gifts yet so we don't have any video.

Thank you Morphy and Bailey!
Hailey can't wait to listen to her new pup friendly CD!

Mystery Gift!
Thank you very much Dughallmor Beagles!!
We were very surprised!!
We have received some awards and we are way behind in posting them. 
Thank you very much Ziggy, Paco and Milo!

Thank you very much Paco and Milo!
Thank you very much Huffle!!
We would like to pass these along to all of our readers! If you do not already have these, we would be honored if you would take one.


  1. Like the new look.

    Congrats on all those awards, and isn't that pink hair dryer just adorable.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  2. Ooooh, nifty new blog theme, very nice! You guys are so welcome for the gift, wish we'd known about Hailey when it was sent though, we'd have included her too....looks as though she's doing ok for gifts though!
    She is just gorgeous!
    Happy Holiday weekend!
    Slobbers xx

  3. Oh yes!

    The new look is furry nice!

    Wow - Hailey got some furry khute pressies! Ludo has great taste!

    The Dughallmor pressie was lots of fun! I love my heart rope toy!

    Khongrats on your pawesome awards too!


  4. Wow, awards and presents. Lucky dog! Love the new digs.

  5. I love the new blog layout! And you are all lucky pups to get such nice presents.

    Huffle Mawson

  6. Hi, You Guys...

    Love your new Banner & all the changes...Looks great!!!

    Congrats on the Awards...

    Great pressies...

    Abby xxxooo

  7. Love the "new look" on the blog , , ,very snazzy!

    My heart is melting for little Hailey, she is just the cutest thing there is!


  8. I LOVE the new blog look!
    Congratulations on all your awards and presents :)
    Big licks to you

  9. I love your new look! It is pawesome!
    You got very nice presents!
    Congratulations on your awards!
    Kisses and hugs

  10. Like the new look - very clean!

  11. Love the new bloggy look.
    My Mum thinks Hailey is just the cutest thing!!

  12. Hi my friends,

    Mommy sure does like your new look. We are still in the country and will be leaving for home this afternoon. We have had such a good time but Mommy can't wait to get home so maybe Jason will bring the computer by tonight or tomorrow at least. I'll let you know how its working. Jason said there was only one virus and our anti virus program took care of that. Best Buy wanted to charge 143.00 to clean it. Jason said we gots about 100 e-mails too.

    Hailey is so tiny in the banner picture Mommy almost didn't see her. Mommy just loved the pictures of Hailey yesterday. She is so precious. Love the pretty pink hairdryer.

    Gotta go and get a little playtime and Mommy & Aunt Mary need to sit on them rockers before we go home.

    Love, kisses and {{{huggies}}}--Mona & Mommy too!!

  13. wow great pressies and awards

    woodrow sweetie mj

  14. It looks like you have some wonderful gifts there.

    We love the new blog look!

    Congrats on your awards. :-)

    Holly & Zac...XX

  15. I LOVE your new blog look!

    Your gifts look like fun:)

  16. I like the new look too..:-)
    Hailey does look very tiny against her big
    Congratulations on the awards and lovely gifts....

  17. Congrats on all the awards and I like the new look to the blog. :)


  18. We love the new look of your blog. Congrats on the awards too!

  19. What a cute Family Photo!! Love the new blog layout!!

  20. Congratulations on the awards! We love the photo of the three of you! So sweet.

    Have fun with your new toys!

    Licks and Wags

    TUffy and the Dog WOods Pack


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