Mar 14, 2012

It's Square Foot Gardening Time!

Welcome to our second season of square foot gardening!
This year we are planting earlier and trying out new seeds.

Our awesome Ron built square foot gardening box from last year.

Adding additional compost.

Mix, mix

Stir, stir

Some of the new seeds that we are trying out this year are green onion and red sunflower.  We also added cherry tomatoes and peppermint plants.

We have a few empty spots to accommodate our undecided plants.  Any ideas?

Our fury little friends used our square foot garden to hide their nuts in during the winter.  
They also hid their food.

We will see you next week with our garden update. 
Bye for now!


  1. You are one cute pup!! My mommy has started gardening this year. But here in Texas it is hard to grow much since the weather is so crazy! You garden is beautiful! Does you human like to cook with herbs? My human loves Dill! We planted some Rosemay and sweet mint too! How about Cucumbers? Strawberries, radishes, carrots? So many choices!


  2. Hi Ruthie!

    We are in Fort Worth so we are all too familiar with the heat here :)

    Our failures from last year were cucumbers, strawberries, green beans, onions, watermelon and carrots. We do like herbs. Maybe we will try more of them.

    Thank you for visiting and for your suggestions!

    Lots of Luv & Kisses

  3. Bow Wow!! We would put in a Basil and a Cilantro. Then you can make salsa and sauce with your yummy tomatoes!

    One fun thing we planted last year and were pleasantly surprised with, were Cantaloupes. Man, were those tasty, fresh from the garden!


  4. Lovely garden! How about basil or lemon balm?
    Dachshund Nola

  5. Hi, I'd like to suggest basil, rosemary and thyme. Lovely little patch that you have there.

  6. I bet you girls are licking your lips in anticipation!

    Love ya lots,

  7. Anaheim chilis or bell peppers get my vote for the empty slots... Squash are good too!

  8. Bob planed seeds and has them under the grow light, hoping to have plants to put out again this year. I hope we have better luck with our garden. Last year Bob wasn't feeling well and I had broken ankles. We grew more weeds than anything else. How about planting zucchini (might want to put a cage around it so it would grow up instead of covering your other plants. How about pepper plants? Either hot or not. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress.

  9. YEAHHH! I loved watching everything grow last year. :)

  10. Hailey!! Your as gorgeous as ever and we see your ready to help hrvest too.

    We was gonna say strawberries. How about taters?



We would love to hear from you!