May 19, 2009

A Note from Mona and the Mommy!

Mona's Mommy asked us to post a few pictures from the Arthritis Walk until she gets her computer back.
Look how cute Mona looks!!!
Can you find Mona in this picture?
The Arthritis Walk was a great success! DROH had the largest team there to help raise money and awareness! Mona was able to participate because she walked with one of the other members. At first she wasn't so happy about leaving the Mommy behind but she perked up and enjoyed herself. The Mommy stayed behind which turned out to be a good thing. After everything was over, the Mommy fell. She didn't do any permanent damage but she is sore today. If you could send some healing doggie vibes to her, Mona would really appreciate it.
A little while ago Mona's Mommy had posted about a pup named Bradley. He had been adopted and then fell from a second story balcony. Bradley was returned as damaged goods with a neck injury to DROH.
This brave boy walked the entire 3 miles!! Mona and the Mommy are very proud of him. Be on the lookout for more pictures from the walk from Mona and the Mommy!


  1. Oh fur sure: Mona looks soooo khute!

    Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs whilst their 'puter is at the hospital!

    Let's hear it fur Bradley too!


  2. w00fs, hope the mommy wuznt to bad hurt..heehee Mona looks bute ti ful on her walkie...and me glad Bradley is doing so good..

    b safe,

  3. We are sending healing vibes to Mona's Mommy.

    Bradley was very brave to do all that walking. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

  4. Nice looks, Mona! Your mom must truly be proud. Hope your mom gets better the way, the Pup-peroni dog snacks is having this PUP-PERONI SWEEPSTAKES that can win you $750 worth of prize package. Sure is a fun promo!

  5. Thanks for posting the pictures!
    I hope the Mommy is doing well!
    Kisses and hugs

  6. 3 miles? HOLY SMOLY!!!

    What a good cause!

    thanks for posting the piccies~!

    love & licks,

  7. healing vibes are being sent out.

  8. Mona is always sweetie and Im pround of Bradeley too. I hope he is getting better.

  9. Oh.. poor Mona's mom... hope the soreness is gone. Our mom is a klutz and she is either knocking into things or falling over so she has bruises a lot! Heehee..

    Well done Bradley!!

  10. We hope your Mom is feeling much better soon!

    Well done Mona and Bradley.

    lots of woofs

  11. Yay fur Mona and Bradley! What a furry brave boy :)
    Big licks to you

  12. Hi, Addie...

    Thanks for keeping us up to date on Mona & the Mommy...

    I hope the Mommy is OK...Me & my Mom are sending our thoughts & prayers & I'm sending some Good Lhasa Vibes, too...

    I found Mona in that picture...She is soooo cute...She just couldn't be left out of the picture...

    Poor, little pup, Bradley...What a brave little guy...

    Abby xxxooo

  13. oh we hope Mommy is ok?

    Well done on the walkies though!

  14. Hi guys, it's me, Star! I also like going on walks. They are fun! And I think it's neat that the walks also help the world. Thanks for sharing your walk pictures with me!!

    Your friend Star

  15. Thanks for sharin your blog wif the Mona and her Mommy (hope she's ok!!!)! We beed missin those gals!

    Amazin story bout the Bradley! Rescue dogs know lots about reboundin... and that story made me smile!

    Mona real cute in her new clothes!

    wif love from the Luke

    Thanks again for lettin us know how they are doin!

  16. Pawsome job, Mona and Bradley! We hope Mona's Mommy is okay!
    Our Mommy has osteoarthritis in her spine - but we love to snuggle with her & make her feel much better!

    ((hugs)) Your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  17. We're sending lots of healing vibes Mona's mom's way. We sure hope she feels less sore soon!
    OMG, what an awful thing to have happen to Bradley! He sure is a little fighter!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  18. What a wonderful walk for a wonderful cause! BTW, Mona looks adorable!

  19. We has something for you on our blog. ~S,S,C & F

  20. Oh how sweet of you to post those wonderful pictures. what a great cause.. Sure glad Mommy is doing ok..

    Big Sloppy Kisses
    Gus, Louie and Callie


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