Apr 25, 2024

Shake it Off


I couldn't wait until Hailey was back on dry kibble so she could have some fun again. Hailey just loves posing and I love spending special time with her.

Our fun was short lived when she couldn't keep her kibble down. I knew something was not right. My husband was so very kind and got Hailey to Dr. Burney at VSNT lickety split . I thought it was low calcium, but no it was something else. Her kidney's are not functioning properly. They gave her an anti nausea shot along with subcutaneous fluids. He took her off of Rimadyl and started her on gabapentin hoping this is the issue. 

This started quickly on April 23. She refused her normal kibble so I was trying different things to get her the kibble nutrients along with something she would really want to eat. I used a rolling pin to break apart her low fat no taste kibble. My husband suggested mixing in some egg to spice it up. It was lick the bottom of the bowl good.

Since her surgery two weeks ago, she's not bounced back yet. And gabapentin, well, it comes with it's own side effects leaving Hailey terribly tired and limiting how often she wants to walks around. But not throwing up in the last 24 hours is wonderful for her. I'm focusing on Hailey's message of "shake it off". All paws crossed and praying that the medication change helps her kidney's get back on track.


  1. We pray that Hailey can get back on track. She is such a cutie patootie♥

    1. You are the sweetest to leave a message! Thank you so much. She's having a rough weekend but we are taking the best care of her. <3


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